
107 Game Reviews

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My teacher said that I needed to use the homerow keys instead of my gibberish typing layout, but I got all ten keys on grand master mode! Screw the homerow keys! Go gibberish!


Your game looks a bit... well, loose. You need more of an active story line, more than one way to level up, like a training facility, and the whole thing seemed a bit inactive... Make the terrain move around, the disco pub could be shrunken, or filled, the world needs a reason to be there, and prices need to be a bit more reasonable... Plus, you need to put resources in the map that you can mine or something... Also, the level up thing, make it to where every third level you go up, you defense goes up as well as your attack. Also, put some side missions or quests that allow the player to level up more quickly, or gain resources. Plus, make the things that you personally made from scratch more, well, graphic, Star Craft wise. And also, put a silent audio clip in your random stash that plays when you tell your guy to move. It gets annoying sometimes... Also, put more types of enemies out in the field, you could use infested terran even. Also, put a retry button or something, if not, at least tell people to right click and click "rewind" instead of refresh. Your game is great so far, but needs a little more action, or something. You need to get the player's adrenaline pumping. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I just think that your game needs to be a little more fun.

maciik responds:

Man this is just a little flash tribute to the starcraft. In no way I wanted to make such a perfect game as starcraft.. (or any other commercial rpg)
Thx for some good ideas (side quests) :) But why do I need to get player's adrenaline pumping? lol.. no way man, this is not an action game.. This is about recalling your memories about good old times when we played starcraft 24/7.
peace :)

Help For Others

Just a little help for you guys who get stuck or something:

**Warning** This may ruin the "Tactical" part of the game**

Okay, first off, you won't need any of the scopes, so dont bother untill you get to the end and just want to buy stuff for the hell of it.

Now, just for some quickies, this is not a full walkthrough:

In the park level, you have to do a double kill by head shot

On the one with the poker guys, shoot the one drinking

On the level where the dude is watching tv, look at the roof, shoot the satelitte, then either shoot the guy in the room (Shoot his head), or wait for him to go up to the roof

On the last level, shoot tree, the beer bottles near the edge of the building, and the little power box by the garage door. You can do this in any order.

Have Fun! :)

Straight Forward

Not perfect, but I will admit, you've come a long way. First off, the good parts:

1. Enemies
2. Unlimited Space
3. Variables
4. Health
5. Finish Line (Well, door, but same concept)
6. Fully Customable
7. Zoom

Now, to the bad part :( :
1. Lag (Try making something like boxes the have a dotted line, and these boxes load only that section of the map at a time, and in edit mode, show the box you're in and all of the ajecent boxes as well.)
2. Specific Colors (Try a color wheel instead of specific colors)
3. No stats (Try creating some like "jump height", "walking speed", "double jump" (Y/N) "flying" <<< if so, "flying time" and "flying speed". Again, make these sliders not buttons thus making the game more professional like.
4. HUD Problems (Try breaking down the HUD by doing something like having sliders on each side of the screen that once pressed, button that are similar (Like all objects in one slide). Also, try displaying a small box in the bottom left, or right hand corner that comes up, and shows things like, preferences. (You know, like the whole "jump height" stuff listed above.
5. Pen size (Don't shrink it, make the shrinkage adjust able
6. Undo (Some I make a single mark, don't want it, but there's no way to fix it. Make an eraser or something)
7. Enemies (Be able to change their attack power, walking speed, and health for starters. Also make their main greenish color adjustable, or have other kinds of enemies to select from)
8. Power-Ups (Power-Ups are handy, increasing health, refilling health, increase attack, defence, and speed, and maybe even jump height.)
9. Items/Equipment (Make weapons pick-upable)
10.Special Items (Things like Springs, Warp Spots, Locks and Keys, etc.)
11. Environment (Try making something like water that you can swim, and drown in if you swim to long. Also try lava that makes you run across it really fast while your health bar depletes. You could even go for poisonous clouds.)
12. The "premade box" (Yay. It's adjustable, too bad I can't make a tall skinny column. Fix it.)
13. Give the hero more options. (Look into the "Create a hero" Series

Sorry about the nagging, don't go all "Well why don't you do it!!!" I barely have enough motivation to finish the sequel to my first flash... Well, you've done far more than I could do, but it's not the best on Newgrounds... but, it does have the potential to be the best.

Okay, let's see here... 7 Pros, and 9 Cons that bug me, subtract to get -2 add that to ten, and you get an 8! And a 4/5!

BrokenVoice responds:

Wow! Thanks for that huge review. I'll get right on it!
Thanks for the 8/10 and 4/5!

Great game!

I loved this game, I didn't really understand the point of the health. or the little laser thingy coming out of the ship, but that was still fun! Anyways, I'm a noob when it comes to action scripting, so I'd love it if you would tell me which tutorial you got it from, even if it's on another website

Sorry to dissapoint you...

I don't want to be mean or anything, but the was rather a dissapointment... I expected to have more songs that focused on the guitar, and better songs... That's just me... I like the new graphics, and I'm not going ditch you. I'm just going to go back to SCGMD2...


I really do hate to admit this... but this game was one of the best I've ever played... Well, time to go do a speedrun!!!

Screw you weaklings!!!

Yes, the game is hard, but i agree with the maker, THINK YOU WUSSIES!!! I've been playing for almost a whole year now, and i still haven't won because of those damn wraiths, but do I give up? No! I love challanges, and this is my greatest one yet, i have fallen millions of times, but i just off my lazy ass and try again! It can be done! And i refuse to just give up! This is highly challanging, and if i can lose a million times, and still fight back, this has to be the greatest game ever! No game, even consol games, keep me tnis entertain, the key to winning is to expect the IMPOSSIBLE!!! Done expect the same damn troops every time! This game is much better than the actual Starcraft! I can beat it in one day, and never play it again! I can't beat this in a year, yet I'm still dying for more! Screw the easy difficulty setting! For all I care, the creator should make this damn game harder! As close impossible can get, yet, still POSSIBLE! Fight weaklings!


Great! I found a major glitch that allows me to get out of the level to the original blank white back ground, all you do is press "A" to roll up against a wall, and you go right over it, so if I were to do that on the far right training wall, I'd fall out, never die, then again I was cheating... Oh well!

Not your average gamer.

Age 32, Male

Game Designer

University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX

Joined on 3/18/06

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